Thursday, September 23, 2010

Realizing not to be afraid

I think lately I've been afraid of failure more than usual. It's kept me from making bold goals and giant leaps because I get more focused on how far I can fall than the leap itself.

I heard someone say that if you talk about your goals, you're less likely to achieve them. So, I tried to stop talking about them.

But, my goals are my passion. My life is my passion. All I've got is the 24 hours in each day and if I stop talking about things that excite me, what else is there left?

I've got to hold on to what is important and take back control from fear.

Sometimes, you've got to jump and just trust that you'll land where you should.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Ok, I need to start treating my body better. Not liking this progressive lack of sleep and feeling foggy thing.

On the bright side, I'm exercising in front of the TV most times I watch, so with fall viewing starting, this could be promising for my health.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What have I done for myself lately?

I was asked this question today and was at a bit of a loss.

Sure I'm exercising a bit more and eating better. But think bigger.

Have I set myself on a stronger career path? Have I fundamentally improved my life?

Tough questions. I tend to lose focus when it comes to my own life so it was a nice wake up call.

I think that I have some serious thinking to do.